Packages- Hotel Alstonia, Hotels Amritsar, Hotels in Amritsar, Hotels in Punjab, Hotel near Passport Office Amritsar, Amritsar Hotel Booking, Budget Hotel in Amritsar :::          $().ready(function() { $('#accordion-slider').kwicks({ max : 750, spacing : 1 }); });      hs.graphicsDir = 'highslide/graphics/'; hs.align = 'center'; hs.transitions = ['expand', 'crossfade']; hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white'; hs.fadeInOut = true; hs.dimmingOpacity = 0.60; // define the restraining box hs.useBox = true; hs.width = 700; hs.height = 500; // Add the controlbar hs.addSlideshow({ //slideshowGroup: 'group1', interval: 5000, repeat: false, useControls: true, fixedControls: 'fit', overlayOptions: { opacity: 1, position: 'bottom center', hideOnMouseOut: true } });                            Be it summer or winter, an exciting getaway can be enjoyed with packages at hotel Comfort Inn Alstonia. The best part is that all the planning is done for you by the hotel. Clicking and making bookings is all that you have to do. Unique packages are offered by our hotels that feature various options. The one that suits the interests the best can be chosen. Whatever be your plans, you will definitely find one or the other special plan for meeting your travel needs. Our packages are inclusive of comfortable rooms, meals in the prominent restaurant of our hotel as well as other unique options for making the stay exceptional. Thus, opt for some best packages and enjoy your time in the holy city of Amritsar.  Validity of the package till September, 2014.        Hotel Comfort Inn AlstoniaSCO - 111, Distt. Shopping Centre, Ranjit Avenue, Near Passport Office , Amritsar - 143001 

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